Plasticity of face defects

Unfortunately, nature is not always a synonym of beauty and esthetics.
Some people are the victims of nature defects since the birth. These physical defects can become the reason of a psychological discomfort in private and professional life.
These defects can be surgically corrected without any problem. Thanks to face surgery, everyone who has been under psychological pressure for years now can forget about problems with appearance. Moreover, when the person can’t accept his physical appearance, it’s better for him to be operated to avoid psychiatric treatment.
In general, disadvantages of the face area are divided into three horizontal stripes:
- 1/3 of the lower face, the chin
- 1/3 of the middle face, cheekbones, and cheeks
- 1/3 of the upper face, eyes
The nose, mouth, ears aren’t included in these categories.
The important point is that it isn’t necessary to have a clear esthetic defect to do the operation in these areas. Many people improve their appearance thanks to surgery.
Men are often interested in the removal of Bisha lumps to get sexy cheekbones, women, on the contrary, will fill and model their cheeks to give the face a fresh and young look.

Lipostructure is a counter plasty with the own fat tissue which is taken from the places where fat cells prevail. Today lipofilling is a proven and safe technique thanks to which results remain for the long period of time. Fat tissue is usually taken from a stomach or buttocks, by means of a method ...

Wrinkles around eyes, edemas, and bags under eyes, all this makes a look tired and sad. With age, a shining, bright and thoughtful look is transformed into a serious, anxious and sometimes even angry. How can you return your eyes the former attractiveness? It’s very simple! Eyelid lift is a ...

Malarplasty is an operation which changes expression of malar areas. Asymmetry of the face, underdeveloped, wide or sunken cheekbones, and congenital or acquired defects of cheekbones are indications for this operation. There are a lot of ways to correct these aesthetic disadvantages: ...

Many people find chubby cheeks very attractive. Sunken cheeks give a tired and stressed look, and wrinkles around eyes become more noticeable. Special implants will help your cheeks to return the former attractive look. There are implants of various form and size which will perfectly suit you. ...

The chin makes the considerable contribution to the image building. Weight gain and age changes, congenital and acquired defects can significantly worsen appearance and mood. Women most often decrease the chin while men prefer to increase the chin to emphasize their brutality. Removal of double ...