
It is obvious that liposuction is the most effective way of fight against local deposits and excess centimeters. Nevertheless, there are also non-invasive methods of combatting excess weight – the procedure of Coolsculpting.
The innovative non-invasive method was named “cryolipolysis”. It was developed by specialists of the Harvard medical school to combat fat deposits by means of low temperatures.
It is kind of “vice versa sauna” – fat cells self-destruct under the influence of cold and working their way out of the system in a natural way. Today for a human body it is difficult to find safer and friendlier way to lose weight. The procedure is absolutely painless, after it no rehabilitation period is required. For one session it reduces fat tissue by 30 per cent.
Thanks to Coolsculpting it is possible to receive comparable to liposuction results but it will be without cuts, pain, and risks of complications. Only 2-3 sessions will eliminate fat deposits in problem zones, return symmetry and perfect proportions to your body. The effect of the procedure is shown within a month, the maximum result – within three months. The affected fat cells will never return. Also, the influence of cold actively combats flabby skin and favorably influences vessels (unlike thermal procedures).
The procedure is absolutely painless and it lasts no more than an hour, during the session the patient can read or, for example, check e-mails. Coolsculpting is the only procedure, which efficiency is confirmed by FDA.