
The expected result:
Sometimes after a strong loss of weight people suffer from the excess of skin in the area of arms but also it often happens that fat tissue is unevenly distributed remaining on arms. Brachioplasty will help to liquidate excess weight on arms and tighten skin. This operation will help to create a beautiful contour of arms, you won’t have to hide your arms after the operation, and you will be able to put on a beautiful dress with a short sleeve.
Surgical principle:
Quite often arm lift is combined with liposuction. By means of arm lift, it is possible to get rid of the excess of skin from the upper part of arms. Combining this operation with liposuction, excess fat tissue in the area of arms is removed. During the operation, the surgeon makes a cut on the inside of shoulders so that the cut would be invisible.
General anesthesia
Operation duration:
1 hour
Hospitalization duration:
1 day
“Bruises”, painful swelling in the area of shoulders, unpleasant feelings during raising your arms.
Possible risks:
Inflammations, hematomas, reduction of sensitivity of arms, infections.
Before the operation:
Before the operation, you will need to visit at least two consultations. During the first consultation, you will be able to ask the surgeon any questions interesting you and receive the detailed estimate of a preliminary intervention. If you decide to be operated, then this estimate must be signed before the second consultation. The signed estimate is your knowing and intelligent consent for the surgery. (it’s mandatory under French law). Nevertheless, for the patients who come to do the operation from other countries, we will organize formalities from a distance on the Internet or by mail. Also during the second consultation, such things as anesthesia, preoperative tests, and desired result will be discussed.
After the operation:
Doctor Durand will monitor your health until your release from the hospital. The first post-operational consultation is carried out one week after the operation. During this consultation, Doctor Durand together with the nurse will evaluate healing of sutures and general recovery. The second post-operational consultation is carried out one month after the operation. During the second consultation, the first results will be evaluated.
From 2500 euros plus VAT (it is paid to the surgeon)