
Stomach is the area that often ”suffers” during our life.
Seeing your own stomach after the childbirth can surprise you. It’s usually big and round as if you are still in the sixth month of pregnancy. All of us heard stories of very young mothers, whose stomach after the childbirth became instantly tight and flat. It happens, but it is rare. In certain cases, sports and diets won’t help to get rid of ”a bag” on the stomach because of heredity and other factors.As for men, due to the nature of their body, almost everything ”acquired” accumulates in one place. For a slender
As for men, due to the nature of their body, almost everything ”acquired” accumulates in one place. For a slender man, it’s normal to have a stomach. Unfortunately, the stomach doesn’t make the man more handsome and the excess weight doesn’t add health.
The age and strong loss of weight are also sworn enemies of a tight and flat stomach. The plastic surgery in a stomach area will help you to cope with problems which can’t be solved by sports or by diets and miracle creams.
There are four types of operations adapted to a concrete case.

What is liposuction: Liposuction is a surgical extraction of surplus subcutaneous fat by means of 5 centimeters vibrating tubes. Sutures after the operation are practically invisible. Result after the operation: Liposuction will help to get rid of localized and ugly fat deposits in the ...

What is body lift? Body lift combines removal of excess skin and fat from both sides of hips and buttocks with abdominoplasty aimed at the aesthetic improvement of a stomach and buttocks area. Indications and result: Most often, body lift suits patients that lost loads of weight in a short ...

How is abdominoplasty done? This operation is one of the most popular plastic surgeries. During abdominoplasty, the surgeon cuts excess skin which ugly hangs underneath stomach. First, the doctor makes a long transversal cut from one hip to another at the bikini line. Then the surgeon makes a ...

What is mini abdominoplasty? Mini abdominoplasty is a stomach lift with minimum cuts in the inguinal area. It can be said that mini abdominoplasty is a “gentle” stomach lift. It can be done in case of a small amount of fat deposits, and also in case of a diastase which led to flabbiness and ...