Aesthetic medicine

DELEO Radiofrequency is a skin treatment technology that uses electromagnetic waves to heat the subcutaneous tissue. It is often used to reduce and tone the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and reduce the appearance of cellulite. DELEO radiofrequency works by sending high ...

It is obvious that liposuction is the most effective way of fight against local deposits and excess centimeters. Nevertheless, there are also non-invasive methods of combatting excess weight – the procedure of Coolsculpting. The innovative non-invasive method was named “cryolipolysis”. It was ...

Lipofilling (micro transplantation of adipose tissue) What is lipofilling? Lipofilling is a technique of own fat transplantation for the correction of face or body contours. In small quantities, micro transplantation of adipose tissue is done in doctor Durand's office. Zones of ...

The expected result: By means of peeling it is possible: To reduce or even remove small wrinkles To fight against liver spots To narrow enlarged pores To open pores and improve appearance of oily skin To restore water exchange of dry skin Procedures: In the office of ...

Fillers (drugs that fill wrinkles) Principle of action: Wrinkles that may be accompanied by micro gaps are a prolonged depression for the skin. Use of natural, soft polymer allows to fill wrinkles and ''revive'' skin. Fillers are different, but hyaluronic acid is most commonly used. This acid ...

Botulinum toxin Principle of action: Botulinum toxin is a drug which temporarily blocks a sensitivity of facial lines to nerve impulses. Due to this blockade the muscle is relaxed, it stops constricting, thus, the wrinkles formed by it are reduced. Scope: The drug is used for correction ...