Eyelid lift

eyelid lift

Wrinkles around eyes, edemas, and bags under eyes, all this makes a look tired and sad.

With age, a shining, bright and thoughtful look is transformed into a serious, anxious and sometimes even angry. How can you return your eyes the former attractiveness? It’s very simple! Eyelid lift is a surgical correction of eyelids. The aim of the operation is not only rejuvenating but also changing the congenital or acquired defects in this area. This operation will help to get rid of a sagging excesses skin on lower eyelids, a ptosis of an upper eyelid, strongly expressed wrinkles around eyes and fat deposits in the area of eyelids.

Also, dissymmetric or unattractive eye shape causes a lot of worries. These defects can be corrected by means of plastic surgery, it is also possible to create eastern or languishing look. Such operation is recommended to those who have a ”dog” look.

Eyelid lift is usually done under general anesthesia, as for a mild change of eye shape, it can be done under local anesthesia.

An operation that changes shape of eyes is less difficult than a blepharoplasty, it lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, and rehabilitation is outpatient.

After this procedure, in the area where the surgery was made, there can be hematomas and swelling, dryness and eye irritation. The discomfort usually disappears in several days.

The procedure price is from 500 euros, you can look at the prices for eyelid lift in the section “Blepharoplasty”.

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